Monday, July 1, 2013

Music!! Padutha Teeyaga Experience!!

Should I tell you all what happens when I listen to good music? I go crazy! I feel my ears are lucky to be blessed with good music..

My ears love it! They want more. Its like a full meal for the ears. They are happy, satisfied.

So, lets get back to what I originally thought to write about. My experiences with Paduta Teeyaga.

S.P. Balasubramanyam is the heart and soul of this program. He is amazing! He is unbiased, unjudgemental, true person.

His songs made me get tears. Every song he sings, I become speechless and awestuck! 


Kavitha, you keep saying 'Cool..Cool..', whenever we talk. I like the word 'Cool'. Its like a whiff of fresh air on my face..:).

Money vs Experiences

Its true that money lets you buy an experience. But after couple of years down the road, you only remember the experience. Especially when you describe a friend, 'hey I went to Key-West, first time I did Para-Sailing, it was awesome, It felt like I was the queen of the Universe!'..haha.

I dont say that, 'Hey, I spent total 400$ for my key-west trip'. Why? because money is just a means to buy experiences but experiences are what that stay with you forever!

After few years, when you have a full-time job and are settled in life, money keeps coming but if you are not doing anything with money other than paying bills, then in your old age, all you have is a huge bank balance but no experiences in life..:).

So, spend money to learn something every year, dont put in the bank. If you put it in bank, its just a piece of paper. If you give it to learn something, its an experience! Its a skill! Be it learning a Guitar or learning swimming lesson!