Well, this is the name I came up with. If I sum up the permutations and combinations of all the ingredients that I use in my everyday tea, I can come up with atleast 15 latte's.
That's what Starbucks does, just mix one name with another and make it a different tea.
Caramel Machiato
Caramel Hazelnut latte.
Caramel Vanilla Hazelnet...
My dream to come up with my own coffeeshop is still in thoughts..it will be fulfilled soon...
Just the thought of a tea or coffee makes you smile. Esp the Bru Ad's.
Look.on the left..I didnt realize Bru is also copying starbucks idea...Cinnamon, mocha and creme......blah blah....
Whatever it is....just the word Cappuchino or mocha...makes you think of the rich frothy coffee..on a warm winter day..where you and your cozy cup are lost in the eternal bliss of just drinking it........................
I am not a coffee drinker and now I am craving it too! That's what your blog did to me!
No kidding!! I think its the Bru poster that did this.
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