What we do on day to day basis has a lot of instances which actually making us comfortable. Take a moment to feel it.
Feel the morning rays on your cheeks when you wake up from the bed. For people like me who dont have a bedroom facing East, come to the part of room which is facing sun and feel the sun-light.
Sit on a quiet chair and take a moment for yourself.
For a tea lover like me, I take comfort even in making tea, as I boil water and then the aroma of tea as its boiling, is a moment I enjoy. As it blends all the spices, cardomom, ginger and pepper as they are boiling..As I am drinking, I enjoy it more.
Take comfort in taking a shower. Smell the soap. Feel the warm water as its cleansing your skin and close your eyes...get lost in the aroma...
Feel comfort listening to the radio, esp the NPR radio, the reception is so clear,it makes you feel cozy and warm in your car...:)
While I wear a warm jacket, I feel the warmth of a jacket as it wraps my skin.
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