Monday, July 14, 2014

Book and Person!

Today I was realizing a book and a person are almost similar. What triggered this thought was this distant cousin of mine. Well, distant means both physically and verbally..:).
We left him like 10 years ago when he was about 14 or 15 years old. Today he is a matured guy with muscles..:). Over these 10 years, he shaped his personality and body. When you meet him, he is so silent and doesn't talk anything. And their family too is boring.
But only when I opened his Facebook profile I saw he likes 'Roadtrips' and 'Fun'. I opened his 'personality' book which is on Facebook. When his personality was 'Closed', you think he was a boring person.
Just like a closed book, we cant judge a closed person.
Opening a book tells a lot about it. Same way, a personality is hidden in a 'person' which you have to open and see.

Thats why they say, 'Dont judge a book by its Cover'..haha

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