Friday, November 22, 2013

Live Life King Size?

What does 'Live Life King Size' mean?

Do what you feel like doing.
Eat what you feel like eating.
Sleep like a baby, as if you were born today and you don't know what the hell is going on. Just before going to bed, just think this way, you will sleep like a baby.
Dont think you are here to solve 'World' hunger. You have your own issues in life.

Living life 'King' size doesn't mean you should sleep on a King size bed. Live life by being content with what you do.

If you ate too much fat, workout. Dont worry. Its ok. Everything you eat gets burnt eventually. Eat whatever you like. This is just one life. Now, this is 'Living life King Size'.

If you love something, have money, then buy it, if you don't, save money and buy it. Be fulfilled in whatever you buy. If you are not satisfied, then don't just buy it just because others bought it.

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